SixSense Raises $2.6 Million in Series A  

by Kay Aloha Villamor in October 19th, 2022

SixSense, a Singapore-based AI-powered industrial visual inspection platform for smarter manufacturing, secured $2.6 million in Series A funding.

Tin Men Capital led the round, a Singapore-based venture capital firm focused on B2B tech startups in South-East Asia.

With this funding, SixSense will scale its team across further research and development, customer success, and sales.

"From my previous work experience as an engineer in manufacturing environments, I have a deep desire to solve the problems our customers face daily. My co-founder Avni and I wanted to partner with a Series A investor who identifies with our vision and has the experience to support us in our next stage of growth. Tin Men's focus on enterprise software and our interactions with their entire team made it clear that they are the right partner for us," said Akanksha Jagwani, Co-Founder and CEO of SixSense.

SixSense's AI has built-in 'explanability' that enables factory engineers to understand why defects occur – and, increasingly, to predict anomalies in manufacturing equipment before they present as product defects down the line. 

Company: SixSense Pte. Ltd.

Raised: $2.6M

Round: Series A

Funding Month: October 2022

Lead Investors: Tin Men Capital

Additional Investors: 

Company Website:

Software Category: no-code Computer Vision Platform

About the Company: Founded in 2018 by entrepreneurs Akanksha Jagwani and Avni Agrawal, SixSense is a no-code computer vision platform to build, monitor, and maintain AI models. SixSense's defect classification software platform serves semiconductor manufacturers by making traditional manual inspection more efficient and consistent. SixSense scans millions of products at high speed and automatically identifies defects at scale at each factory it serves. SixSense's AI-based defect identification technology has been adopted by some of the world's largest multinational semiconductors. SixSense is a Singapore and India-based startup.



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