EntrepreneurFirst, a London-based scaleup investor in early-stage founder talent, has raised $158 million in Series C funding.
The round was led by a group of veteran technology founders, including Patrick and John Collison, Reid Hoffman, Taavet Hinrikus, and Matt Mullenweg. Backers included: Patrick and John Collison (co-founders of Stripe), Taavet Hinrikus (co-founder of Wise), Reid Hoffman (co-founder of LinkedIn), Matt Mullenweg (co-founder of WordPress), Tom Blomfield (co-founder of Monzo and GoCardless), Nat Friedman (former CEO of Github), Sara Clemens (former COO of Twitch and Pandora), Matt Robinson (co-founder of Nested and GoCardless), Patrick O’Shaughnessy (Positive Sum), Demis Hassabis and Mustafa Suleyman (co-founders of Deepmind), Sten Tamkivi, Elad Gil and Lachy Groom.
The fund uses to make investments into new startups as well as allow EF a capacity to experiment and innovate on how best to fund the next generation of entrepreneurs by launching new products aimed at upending the typical venture capital model.
Company: Entrepreneur First
Raised: $158.0M
Round: Series C
Funding Month: June 2022
Lead Investors: Patrick and John Collison, Reid Hoffman, Taavet Hinrikus and Matt Mullenweg.
Additional Investors: Taavet Hinrikus Reid Hoffman Tom Blomfield Nat Friedman Sara Clemens Matt Robinson Patrick O’Shaughnessy, Demis Hassabis, Mustafa Suleyman, Claire Hughes Johnson, Sten Tamkivi, Elad Gil, and Lachy Groom.
Company Website: https://www.joinef.com
Software Category: AI Powered software platform
About the Company: Founded in 2011 by Matt Clifford and Alice Bentinck in London Entrepreneur First is the best place in the world to meet your co-founder., EF now employs 120 around the world. It operates as an early-stage investor, helping talented people find co-founders to partner with ahead of launching startups. Through Entrepreneur First platform running in 6 cities across 3 continents, we invest in high-potential individuals to help them meet their co-founder, develop their ideas, and secure funding from leading investors in the shortest possible time.
Source: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220628005653/en/Alliance-of-Tech-Founders-Line-up-to-Invest-in-the-Next-Generation-of-Global-Innovators-With-158m-Series-C-Funding-Round-for-Entrepreneur-First