Cofactor AI, a Chicago-based healthcare technology startup, has raised a $4 million seed funding round.
The round was led by Drive Capital, a venture capital firm founded in 2012 and based in Columbus, Ohio. Drive Capital invests in exceptional founders building the next generation of market-defining companies, focusing on seed-stage, early-stage, and later-stage investments.
About Cofactor AI
Founded in 2023 by Adi Tantravahi and Juan Sebastian Lozano, Cofactor AI provides an AI-powered platform to help hospitals easily, quickly, and successfully appeal to payer denials. Its platform, Cofactor Denial Suite, integrates with EHR systems and clearinghouses and instantly identifies the exact contextual information required to generate successful appeals. Using its proprietary medical-native foundation model, Cofactor AI reviews clinical evidence, coding guidelines, standard of care guidelines, and peer-reviewed studies to identify discrepancies between claims, medical documentation, payer policies, and facility contracts.
Funding Details
Company: Cofactor AI, Inc.
Raised: $4.0M
Round: Seed Round
Funding Date: November 2024
Lead Investor: Drive Capital
Additional Investors:
Company Website: https://www.cofactorai.com/
Software Category: Healthcare Denial Management
Source: https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2024/11/25/2986729/0/en/Cofactor-AI-Launches-Platform-to-Help-Hospitals-Fight-Tidal-Wave-of-Claims-Denials-and-Announces-4-Million-Seed-Round.html